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Right now your business needs opportunities

It is unclear what next month will bring, let alone next year. Even so we are providing some simple things you can do right now to stabilize your business as you start the process of recovery.

It is pretty evident that we’re not going back to normal in 3 or maybe even 12 months. Our town and city leaders are working on addressing the problems COVID19 lockdowns caused. They will be doing it under stress and with limited outside assistance. With money at short supply they won’t be able to throw money at these problems.

In order to enhance our chances of recovery we must find ways to do more with less.

One thing is clear that although the day of face-to-face and handshake may be gone the importance of a digital presence that works as hard as you do is now a key ingredient in stabilizing your business.

Premium listings are one way that local businesses can adapt and grow with cost-effective easy to implement ways to make your online presence stronger. Because if they can’t find you they can buy from you.