We realize proms have already happened this year! But bookmark this page if you’re planning on it for next year! We may even add some resources, like a local effort that lends out prom clothing free! A couple of weekends ago, I was walking along the river and saw many prom photo shoots! Also, driving around downtown was like a trip back in time! It was a little surreal to go from two mallard ducks cuddling on the grass to visions of formal clothing on beautiful people!
It’s Old News This Year, But Save This For Next Year
Prom is here! And quickly approaching. Many schools have this dance in April and if you’ve never been this could be the scariest, most exciting thing you do all year! Prom is very fun, but what do you wear? Who does your hair? Do you eat? Do you not eat? Is pictures even a question? – No, You want pictures. But how? Why? and Where?
Are you stressed out? Me too. But don’t worry, I have gathered all the details you’ll need to make sure this Prom goes off without a hitch! Today I spoke with Jade Lutzen, and Sam Zumwalde.
So starting off…
Where did you get your dresses? Jade mentioned that she searched on facebook before she ended up getting her dress online and Sam explained she got hers on promgirl.com
Who did your hair and makeup? Any tips? For both, they explained that they had theirs done by friends and families. Sam seemed a firm believer on not spending a lot of money and just do what you feel comfortable with. Jade mentioned that at her prom it was very dark so maybe were some glitter or something to pop out.
Where is the best place to go? Jade and her date went to Burger King and Sam told me she very excited about going to Spangnas this year.
Any funny mishaps that happened and what did you do to solve it? Sam hasn’t had any mishaps but Jade told me after dinner her and her date were trying to go to her house to get ready and they were stuck in traffic forever but made it with plenty of time to spare.
The Conclusion
After speaking with Jade and Sam. They gave great advice and tips. Sam told me she can’t wait for prom Jade however disagrees and explained to me though she went last year she hesitates on going again this year because she can sometimes be antisocial. Thank you both for taking the time to speak with me, I hope this will help you navigate your prom season!