
Information Station: An event open to all parents! May 7, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

What’s going on at Washington Elementary? The staff is hosting an event that is open to all parents in the area. Do you have young children who will be entering school soon? Would you like to prevent “summer brain drain” for your school-aged children?

Come to a family night Thursday, May 7, for a night full of information. Four corners will be set up and snacks will be provided. We will have a corner dedicated to preparing your child for school. A kindergarten teacher, student services, A-Z Learning and Help Me Grow will have some tips for you. Another corner will have school services such as guidance, speech, Title I and a secretary from the board office to discuss necessary paperwork. We will also have some safety tips to share from the Health Department and Marietta Memorial Hospital. They will be talking about first aid, passenger safety and helmet safety. Last, but not least, a corner devoted to preventing summer brain drain with Ely Chapman, Boys and Girls Club, technology apps and brochures for summer camps. Washington State Community College will also be in attendance with GED information and Family and Children First will have information about parenting classes.

When & Where: Thursday, May 7,  5 – 6:30 p.m. at Washington Elementary School Gym, corner of 4th Street and Washington Street

Everyone is welcome! Your child does not have to attend Washington or be in school to attend.

Submitted by Andrea Eichhorn, Kindergarten Teacher, Washington Elementary

Click here to view the Family Night Flyer.