I need your help!

Website Graffiti

As many of you know, Marietta and Beyond has suffered some serious hacks. When I posted an SOS, someone recommended Adrian Chamberlain. He found that the hosting company’s security “help” just put a band-aid on the problem each time, but left lots of what he called “graffiti behind. I’m amazed at some of the things he found hidden in the code of the website.

In Google Jail

Google banned the site when it started redirecting people to a porn site. Many of you alerted us to that and I am so thankful for that. It was not redirecting me. Hackers have become more and more sophisticated!

How You Can Help — Your Opinion Please!

I lost the original design of the website. Adrian said the Genesis theme I was using had too many vulnerabilities. I’d love your opinions about the following to help me redesign the site and forge a new direction for Marietta and Beyond. The original design cost me around $1,000 between the designer and add-ons. I don’t have that right now. So, my first question:

  1. Do you think the website looks okay for now? If not, what would improve it?
  2. I’d like to recruit professionals to write regular columns to help inform residents in the area.
    • Here is a list of professionals that I think have information that most of us need to understand better:
      • attorney,
      • health insurance professional,
      • real estate professional,
      • car and home insurance professional,
      • accountant,
      • 3 or 4 health professionals from different fields,
      • special education
      • Tutors, one per academic subject with homework help advice
    • Regular content: craft, cooking, parenting, events, features
  3. Do you know any of these professionals who might want to have exposure on Marietta and Beyond? What I’d like to provide is information rather than sales -y ads so that we can make more informed decisions.  We could help them write it if needed, or provide editing.
  4. What would you like to read about that isn’t on my list?

Thank you so much for taking the time to help!
