by Hannah McDole | Feb 13, 2019 | Family Life, Holidays
Our intern Hannah has compiled a list of activities children and adults can enjoy on snow days close to home. Here’s hoping you find this on a day that has lots of snow and you’re all safely at home! Enjoy! Editor 1. How to build a snowman...
by Christiane Marshall | Dec 23, 2017 | Holidays, Marietta
by Pamela Kock | Dec 18, 2015 | Gardening, Holidays
‘Tis the Christmas season, and poinsettias are everywhere. Perhaps you have a few in your own house, or will get one at the end of the season when your church gives them away, or you’ll get one as a gift. They are lovely centerpieces, and fear not, they...
by Laura Seeber | Oct 8, 2015 | Culture, Holidays, Parenting
Costumes, candy and friendly spooks are coming your direction. If you’re a parent, the holiday of Halloween in the United States usually means great festivities for all. One of our most treasured traditions is the act of going from house to friendly house in...