The Mid-Ohio Valley is a wonderful place to live. I have been living in the Mid-Ohio Valley for all of my 27 years.

Belpre Ohio is a beautiful place to live. We recently lost a beloved guidance counselor Scott Miller
I have had the pleasure of being born in, and had a chance to grow up in, Marietta. A few years ago, in 2013, my husband and I decided to buy a home outside of Marietta. We looked in Devola, Reno, Warren District… but we fell in love with Belpre. Today I want to take you in to have a closer look at the Heart of Belpre.
Belpre City has many great values. One of the many great things I have loved is the Belpre in Bloom theme. The city encourages homeowners and business owners to take pride in their yard by planting and gardening. This program was brought to the Belpre Area Chamber of Commerce from the America in Bloom program, which is a nationwide program that encourages exactly what Belpre has displayed — making towns shine with their own true beauty.
Also, Belpre has a great sense of love for the community and its members. There is a food truck that is located in Kroger’s parking lot on Washington Blvd., Belpre, Ohio, 45714. This food truck has raised money for local residents who have needed medical care or funeral expenses.
Belpre City Schools live up to the expectations of the great town. I have had the wonderful opportunity to see how the school works. As a mother of a daughter who struggles with Attention Deficit Disorder, I have seen the school work with my daughter to make sure she doesn’t get lost in the cracks of the public school system. I remember growing up and hearing about the No Child Left Behind Act; Belpre may not take part in the exact program but they have that exact attitude.
Many of the teachers and staff of Belpre City Schools have been recognized for their great qualities and performance. Anita Winter received the Jan Dils Golden Apple Award in May 2015. Nicole Rodgers received the Distinguished Educator Award. Jen Wells received the Outstanding Educator Award. Last year Eileen Cieslewski received the Pioneer Civitan Club Special Educator Award.
Belpre, Ohio, lost one of their treasured community members on August 20. Scott Miller entered his new home in Heaven. Though I only had the chance to meet Scott Miller twice, he made me realize how much love Belpre has. Scott Miller was a guidance counselor and teacher in Belpre for 21 years. He also was a coach in girls’ basketball and golf. He retired in May with 30 years of public education experience. One of the first things he said to me: “When kids see me and say ‘Hey, Mr. Miller,’ it lights my whole day up. I love these kids!” Monday, August 24, the Belpre City Schools have decided to close school in honor of Scott Miller.
I can’t be any more delighted that this is the town my daughters get to grow up in.