Looking for a brownie or cake recipe that has the flavor of rich dark chocolate, tangy citrus and is so decadent that the frosting will be optional? Do you want it so easy to make that you can have it made in under an hour — with kids underfoot? If the answer is yes, and you’re not too concerned about calories or creating a “healthy” dessert, give this recipe a try. Collage of key lime pie and brownie images istockphoto 000010904400 and 000010904400

Easy Chocolate Key Lime Brownie

Equipment needed:

  • Large Mixing Bowl
  • Small Mixing Bowl
  • Mixing Utensil
  • Oven Pre-heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Liquid Measuring Cup
  • Butter Knife
  • Brownie or Cake Pan (9 in round or 9×12 pan works well)
  • Non-stick Spray


  • 2 large eggs
  • Your favorite boxed brownie mix (or your homemade one!)
  • ½ cup oil
  • 4 ounces cream cheese
  • 1 (8 ounce) can key lime pie filling
  • 2-4 Tablespoons Water


  1. In the large mixing bowl, mix together the eggs, brownie mix, oil and water. If you are using your own recipe, or the recipe off the back of a box, you’ll be essentially making the brownie batter recipe, so make adjustments to the egg, oil and water amounts as indicated by your recipe.
  2. Cut the four ounces of cream cheese into small chunks.
  3. In the small mixing bowl, combine the cream cheese and the key lime pie filling. Mix gently until the cream cheese pieces are evenly distributed throughout the pie filling.
  4. Spray the brownie or cake pan, making sure to get the sides as well.
  5. Pour approximately ¾ of the brownie cake mix into the pan. Spread evenly throughout the pan.
  6. Take the key lime/cream cheese mixture and pour it in the center of the pan. Use a gentle touch and the butter knife to spread to around so that it forms a layer. Don’t worry if a little bit of the layers mix together. This is fine.
  7. Pour the remaining brownie mix over top, and spread around to cover the top as completely as possible.
  8. Finally, take the butter knife and stick the blade into the mixture and move the knife around in a drawing fashion.
  9. Place in a preheated oven for 40-55 minutes. Check at about 35 minutes to see if it is done. When the brownies are done, a fork or knife put into it should come out clean.
  10. Place in the refrigerator to cool for at least 15 minutes.
  11. Slice, serve up, and enjoy!


What’s your favorite brownie recipe? How would you improve this one?