business growth graphThe new year has arrived, and how do you expect 2016 to be? If you’re a business owner, chances are you want your business to grow in every aspect of the word — grow in return and new customers, expand your inventory, even increase your bottom line. If you’re searching for ways to do any or all of these things, here are five ways that you can help grow your business, and have an even better 2016.

Encourage A Healthy Workplace

One of the easiest and in the long term the most effective ways to improve your business is to help you and your employees maintain a healthy workplace. After all, why would a potential customer want to walk into your store if it sounds like an urgent-care clinic? Encouraging your employees to wash their hands after going to the bathroom, providing healthy snacks in the break room, making sure the filters on your HVAC system are up to date and not penalizing for taking of sick days are all ways that you can help keep things healthy—and more productive at your place of business.

Brush Up on Your Customer Service Skills

When it comes to your business, you know the ropes. However, even if you’re one of the best in the business when it comes to customer service, there is always room for improvement. So the next time you have a company-wide meeting, talk to your employees about their experiences working with clients, and their thoughts on how things can be improved. Also, make sure that you and your employees have the confidence to be honest, positive and trustworthy when it comes to your brand and company. Doing so takes knowledge and experience, so don’t be afraid to offer regular training on what you are selling, and the reason behind what you do.

Get Organized

As any business owner knows, the end of the year is usually one huge chaotic mess. Between tax filings, holiday sales, employee turnover and just general craziness, chances are your files are a bit unorganized. Why not do a little bit of housekeeping and get everything organized in preparation for the onslaught of new business coming your way? Take a weekend and get rid of files you no longer need, old stock that you can’t sell, and set up an easy-to-use system to keep your inventory, records and sales promotions on track. Trust me, taking a little bit of time to do this now will make things so much easier when business starts booming!

Make Networking a Priority

Believe it or not, keeping in touch with people in your line of business can be a fantastic way to increase your own footprint on the business world. While competition is still a hallmark, more and more businesses are realizing that growth through cooperation and mutual support can be a lot more effective than a cutthroat business mentality. Take a little time to think about it. There are certain things that your business excels in, correct? Well, chances are there are areas that other companies excel in as well. Why not network and find out what everyone’s strengths are? That way you can make sure that your customer gets exactly what they need from the best resources. Even if it’s not your business this time around, chances are the business that you referred to and the customer will return the favor in the long run.

Don’t Forget the Big Picture

When you’re in the day-to-day grind, it can be easy to forget the passion you had when you started your business. Things such as payroll, dealing with irate customers, the weather, even cleaning the sidewalk in front of your store can add to your frustration. That frustration can lead to less-than-stellar customer service, or treating your employees worse than you should. Take a few minutes, at the beginning of your day and at the end of your day and recall the reasons that you started on this journey. What stirs your passion about what you do? Is it the smiles you see as customers walk in your door? Is it the pride in a project finished to perfection? Is it the ability to be your own boss? The idea of helping others? Whatever drives you, take some time to remember.

How are you planning on improving your business in the new year?