The Marietta
Noon Lions Club has been an influential service club in Marietta for over 90 years, and in March 2015 the group sponsored a new high school service club called the MHS Leo Club. Any high school student is eligible for membership. Projects are chosen and directed by the student leadership under the direction of their advisor, Rena Thorne. “I’ve been a member of Lions for many years and I am a past president of the Marietta
Noon Club,” says Rena. “Although I can’t attend weekly meetings — as they meet at
12 noon every Friday — I wanted to be able to do something meaningful for both the students and Lions Club.”

The group has already completed two service projects. Their first effort was to sell T-shirts with the profits benefiting Washington County Children’s Services. They raised over $300. Their second effort was forming a team for the Washington County Relay for Life. Leo President Taylor Rake and the entire Relay Committee worked diligently to organize the event and ensure there were walkers on the track for the entire time. The week of
May 11-15 was Pep
Week, with activities scheduled daily to build student support. The Leo Club will continue working for the Relay for Life event during the 2015-2016 school year and they have plans to add several other service activities.