Three local businesses in MOV making an impact. Give them some likes!

The cat says “Have you heard about 3 local businesses making an impact? Go look!”

Can you give these three businesses a like today? Read below why I am asking this favor! Thank you so much! ~ Christiane

  1. BB2C 
  2. Smith Iron Works
  3. Back in Line Chiropractic

Here are three businesses that are making an impact in the local area. I want to give them a shout out and ask my readers to give them a like! In each section below, I tell you why I think people in the area would benefit from learning more about these three! If you’re out of the local area (in and around the Mid Ohio valley), a share or like would still benefit people. Smith Iron Works takes business from everywhere. The other two businesses are models that can be duplicated elsewhere to benefit other communities. 

(Why a cat in a grocery cart? — I wanted to get your attention. Lol!)

Building Bridges to Careers (BB2C), The Epicenter, and the Makerspace (non-profit business)

I’m wrapping these three up into one bundle because they are all intertwined. This is a rapidly growing entity in Marietta, and I believe that is because they are making a huge difference. Building Bridges to Careers connects area students with businesses. Today’s results from their efforts are impressive, but I believe that we will see exponential changes in the area due to their efforts. Because Marietta and Beyond is housed in the same building, I see the dynamic activities and the efforts of these three entities on a daily basis. The three women and one man who pilot this ship are amazing and believe in what they do. When you like their page, if you have a couple minutes, give a shout out to Pamela Lankford – Epicenter director, Tonya Davis – BB2C Coordinator, Tasha Werry – Executive director, and Brad Hemmerly -Makerspace director.

The Epicenter is a business incubator. Those of us who rent a space here must agree to work with students. I have had students shadow me, and I have interacted with younger students who were here for a workshop. I’ve gone to schools to talk about what I do, and participated in the problem scenario project that Tasha Werry runs each year in the local schools. Also, I presently share a writing intern with BB2C

The Makerspace is a place where people in the community can come to learn how to make things. Check out and bookmark Marietta and Beyond’s events page and come back each week as we list them there along with other events from the area. If you have an event you’d like us to list, let us know.  

As you can see, this combination of projects wrapped together are bringing change to the Mid-Ohio Valley. They invite the public to come for a tour of the facility.

Give a shout out to BB2C by liking their page: BB2C.

Smith Iron Works

Mr. Smitty, as he likes to be called, is a blacksmith. There aren’t very many of them around anymore, but they are still needed to fashion custom iron works. He can literally build anything, and has built many of the iron stairs, fire escapes, and decorative fences and spiral staircases found in and around Marietta. They also travel to sites outside of the area. A little over a year ago, Smitty was disconnected from life support and technically died. He woke up and found his wife by his side weeping. He still works despite the challenges his health crisis left him with. He and his wife are generous people who have helped many people. For example, he is helping my son rebuild a curved rail on a duplex we own.  This is something we were quoted thousands of dollars to have done by a professional. I’m working on his website presently and it isn’t ready for me to share, so….

Please help Mr. Smitty get his beautiful craftsmanship shown to more people by sharing and liking Smith Iron Works! While you’re there, take a look at some of the photos. His page was left for a while due to his illness, but I’ll be managing it now and adding photos!

Back in Line Chiropractic – Dr. David Norris, DC. MS. DACBN

This is a business also housed in the BB2C Epicenter Business Incubator. Dr. Norris is a chiropractor and a nutritionist building his own practice. He has extremely affordable prices and takes walk-ins. He also will come in nights or weekends. In my experience, when I have need a chiropractor on the weekends or Thursdays, I have to wait till their offices re-open. 

As a nutritionist, he is helping people improve their health outcomes. I’ve been at too many deathbeds of people who could have lived longer had they had the advice of a knowledgeable nutritionist — including both of my parents. Anyone out there who is helping to change the health outcomes of people who you love and I love has my support. He also gives free health talks for people in the community on a regular basis. His most recent topics have been “Discover Diabetes, Discover Thyroid, and Discover Inflammation.” As of this writing, the next two free talks will be Discover Thyroid on March 4, and Discover Diabetes on March 12. See below for more detail. His talks are extremely informative, and he takes questions. 

Please give a shout-out to Dr. Norris by liking Back in Line Chiropractic.  

You can call Dr. Norris for an appointment at (216) 659-0334.

You can find him at 107 Lancaster Street, Marietta OH.

If you’re reading this before March 12, 2019, consider going to his FREE health talk Discover Diabetes.

Instead of saying more, here is a testimonial from a man with these results in the last three months due to guidance received from Dr. Norris. ***(more detail on labs below testimonial — scroll to end of article):

  1. labs have changed drastically, and
  2. need for medication has been reduced 

Back in Line Chiropractic with Dr. Norris from Fourteen55 Media, LLC on Vimeo.

Thank you so much for reading and liking these pages!

~ Christiane

Update as posted on Back in Line’s page: 

We are excited to share some further progress with Mike (See His Video Testimonial above).

He has had significant improvements in most of the labs, I will only list the top ones here because the blood/urine panel is thorough. Mike is also proud to say he has dropped 28 lbs. and his MD has dropped his insulin from 28 to 10 units since we began in October! The initial labs were from 10/18/18 and the latter labs are from 01/18/19 (3 months).

Glucose went from 129 to 69, HbA1c went from 7.2 to 6.2, Cholesterol from 203 to 123, Triglycerides went from 216 to 108 and LDL went from 126 to 62.

His entire thyroid panel also has shown significant improvement. Way to go Mike!

We have been addressing the underlying physiological/metabolic stress. We also address structural/biomechanical stress with regular chiropractic adjustments.

Don’t forget to get your spine Back in Line! Call (216) 659-0334