Gluten Free Bread Recipe

Gluten Free Bread Recipe

My Love of Baking Bread Bread! It is so imprinted on our psyches. I can still smell my mother’s white bread baking if I close my eyes! And if I sit a little longer with my eyes closed, I can hear my children’s voices while they talked and kneaded bread...

A Cancer Scare

Let’s talk about it. I just had one. After a few weeks of dark thoughts, fears, hope, appointments with medical people, waiting, diagnostics, waiting, more diagnostics, more waiting, I finally got relief from the anxiety. A bit sore, but the news was good for...
Snapshot at Our Own Local Makerspace

Snapshot at Our Own Local Makerspace

So you missed the open house? Here’s a snapshot of the event! Click on the links to learn more about the three people in the photo! Learn to create with wood! Get a chiropractic adjustment, and meet another member of the Makerspace! Chatting while the...