by Christiane Marshall | Jul 12, 2015 | Washington County
Many years ago in the town where I grew up, there was a train track behind our home. My parents bought that house because it has an extra-long yard for planting a large garden. My father cleared out brush and poison ivy in his speedo. (Not kidding.) It was the closest...
by Marietta City School District | Jul 1, 2015 | Education, Marietta City School District, Schools, Washington County
The Marietta Noon Lions Club has been an influential service club in Marietta for over 90 years, and in March 2015 the group sponsored a new high school service club called the MHS Leo Club. Any high school student is eligible for membership. Projects are chosen and...
by Marietta City School District | Jun 12, 2015 | Washington County
Putnam Elementary School has a Little Free Library, #23699. This little library was built by Cub Scout Pack 231 so that students and community residents could have access to books all summer long. So far, the children of Putnam have enjoyed bringing their unwanted...
by Marietta City School District | May 21, 2015 | Education, Inspiration, Schools, Washington County
What is HPAC? It stands for Health Professions Affinity Compact. In the words of the students that are involved, it is much more than just a group to join. HPAC is an extracurricular club that gets students involved with the community and works to address a local...
by Audrey Lohrey | Jan 25, 2015 | Pet Care, Washington County
Walking through the front door of my apartment, being greeted by my kitty’s purrs and leg rubs and my dog’s slobbery kisses is my favorite time of day! I am so lucky to have found these amazing animals! Many animals are waiting in shelters and foster care...