by Laura Seeber | Nov 5, 2015 | Business, Culture, Marietta
Take a quick look around you, and chances are you’ll find some manner of electronic devices or components. From the alarm clock that wakes you up in the morning to the smartphone that you carry with you during your day, these devices have permeated our lives...
by Laura Seeber | Oct 15, 2015 | Business, business marketing
The holiday shopping season is fast approaching, and for many small businesses, what they bring in during this time of year can help decide if they are a financial success or not. Many people understand this, and they want to support their local businesses, but wonder...
by Laura Seeber | Sep 24, 2015 | Business
So you’ve decided to make a go of it and follow your dream of operating your own small business. Congratulations! You’ve got quite an adventure ahead of you — one filled with long days, frustrating lows, lots of paperwork, exhilarating highs and quite a...
by Laura Seeber | Jul 17, 2015 | Business
In some ways, it is the American dream. Being your own boss, making your own rules. Working directly with the customer and client, and making sure that they are satisfied and happy with the result. There are so many benefits to owning your own business, and for many...
by Laura Seeber | May 15, 2015 | Business, business marketing
Let’s face it- there are a lot of different ways that you can make the most of your online marketing efforts. There are blog posts, posts to Twitter, Facebook fan pages, Google+ and, of course, your own website. It can make a person’s head spin. So...
by Mike Heck | Mar 26, 2015 | Beyond Marietta, Business, Real Estate
Why are so many women getting into construction-related fields? I’ve noticed this trend growing lately, from my personal experiences. I am a remodeling contractor in Cincinnati, Ohio, so I come across a lot of investors that are flipping houses and, in the past few...