by Laura Seeber | Mar 22, 2015 | Gas and Oil
In a very real sense, the world around us is a puzzle. There are so many interconnecting parts, things to understand, and we often don’t really get to see the whole big picture. We focus on our daily lives, finding a job, making sure there is food on the table...
by Donna Vail | Mar 17, 2015 | Homeschool
Educating your children at home can bring about a lot of freedoms not available to conventional schooling. No longer are you rushing to make lunches, running to catch the bus, setting teacher conferences and meeting homework deadlines each night. However,...
by Laura Seeber | Feb 17, 2015 | Gas and Oil
Today as I look outside, there is a new layer of snow, and the thick, fluffy flakes slowly coming down from the sky tell me that there will probably be another few inches before the end of the day. The sky, thick with slow moving dull gray clouds tell me that although...
by Donna Vail | Feb 2, 2015 | Homeschool, Schools
In order to make real learning happen we need to awaken the New Educators Mind. You are embarking on a journey to live your whole life and with a love of learning. For most of us, a love of learning is a foreign concept only because of the relationship to the past...
by Maggie Robertson | Jan 28, 2015 | Beyond Marietta, College Scene
Sometimes I wonder if all the questions we ask are really questions or just our way of reassuring ourselves with the same answers over and over again. If you think about it, education is a life-long process of getting- and keeping information. We learn from our...