by Healing Chef | Mar 1, 2019 | Christiane Marshall, Inspiration
I’m going to be a bit vulnerable here, but only because someone reading might need this information. I don’t think I have social anxiety disorder, but I do go through periods that seems pretty close. From the social anxiety test I link to below, I can see...
by Christiane Marshall | Dec 31, 2015 | Beyond Marietta, Christiane Marshall, Inspiration, Marietta
Everyone’s saying “Happy New Year” today. Is it the thing to say, or do we mean it? Sometimes we do just repeat the words without thinking! Personally I’m going to try to be more conscious when I say it. Here’s what I think might help....
by Christiane Marshall | Dec 25, 2015 | Beyond Marietta, Christiane Marshall, Good News About Town, Inspiration, Marietta, Religious Life
Despite all the bad news, we wish you a Merry Christmas or whichever holiday you celebrate. This has been a tumultuous year on Planet Earth. Not a day goes by that something on the news doesn’t break my heart or send chills and fear through my being. I think...
by Christine Tarlecki | Nov 23, 2015 | Food, Inspiration, Recipes
It’s November and that calls for delicious, soul-warming and belly-filling meals! Yes there is mac ‘n’ cheese and leftover turkey sandwiches, but let’s go for more fun protein and veggies in our meals. Slow Cook Crock pot honey mustard pork is a favorite...
by Donna Vail | Sep 29, 2015 | Education, Homeschool, Inspiration, Uncategorized
The law that you can use to your advantage is Parkinson’s Law, developed in 1955 by British Historian C. Northcote Parkinson which states: Work expands to fit the time at hand for doing it. At first this was an observation made by Parkinson as he observed...
by Darla Brannan | Aug 5, 2015 | Education, Gardening, Inspiration, Parenting
Have you ever considered planting milkweed plants? I know you’re probably thinking, “Are you kidding me? There are over a billion plants I could plant, why would I choose milkweed?” Well, to tell you the truth, I didn’t even know milkweed...