Christiane Marshall
Christiane Marshall is a writer, editor and special education teacher living in Southeast Ohio. She holds a BA in Writing from Norwich University, an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction from Union Institute & University, and an M.Ed. in Special Education from Grand Canyon University. She is also a mother of five grown children and two beautiful wee grandchildren.
Locksmith to the Rescue!
Locksmith to the Rescue! By Christiane Marshall Who hasn’t had to call a locksmith after locking their keys in the car? What would we do without them! Just like the plumber and electrician, our infrastructure and peace of mind would wither away if we couldn’t count on...
So How Does Food Heal? Or Does it?
By Christiane Marshall (originally Published on: Mar 20, 2019) I'm republishing some older articles this week, but will soon be posting new content again. I've also started my inhouse personal chef business again. You can check it out on my new healing chef website. ...
Taming a Feral Kitten Over 8 Weeks Old – Why We Rescued Cats
It is possible to tame feral cats older than 8 weeks old. Read about a very special cat — BooBoo.
A few tips on driving in the snow
Snow Driving: Tips From Canadians To Survive Snow-Covered RoadsDave Barry says it best. We're all driving experts! Even for snow driving. Or are we? “The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status, or ethnic...
Little Nonni’s Italian Kitchen
Little Nonni’s Italian Kitchen Proof that good things are Possible! written by The Healing Chef (Christiane Marshall) Tucked in a little corner of Barlow is one of the most cozy restaurants I’ve ever been to. It’s housed inside the historic Mill Branch Covered...
On Having an Auto-immune Disorder in the Midst of a Pandemic
On Having an Auto-immune Disorder in the Midst of a Pandemic This is a piece by our intern Kiteara Sinnett. It’s a thoughtful explanation of what it feels like to have an autoimmune condition in 2020. This is a new high school graduate who has missed out on graduation...
Cat Bigley of RYT Yoga and Trauma Informed Yoga
Cat Bigley of RYT Yoga and Trauma Informed Yoga Written by Christiane Marshall Cat Bigley signed up to become certified as a trauma informed yoga therapist just before the pandemic hit. The program is put out by the non-profit Bodywise Foundation in conjunction with...
Thoughts on the pandemic
I’m going to try and articulate what I really want to say about pandemic mess: I don’t want to demonize anyone. I don’t want to decide who’s at fault. I want to deal with the now. I’m sure later on lawsuits will fly. There will be stories to tell, to listen to, to read about, even songs to sing. But now, the business at hand is people, hearts, restoration.
Pandemic Self-Care – Calming Advice From a Local Mom -Entrepreneur
Pandemic Self-CareCalming Advice From a Local Mom -EntrepreneurOkay, go grab a cup of tea or coffee and sit in your favorite chair, even light a candle. Cat Bigley’s timely suggestions will warm your heart calm your spirit. Let’s take a few minutes away from the chaos...
Shout – outs to local businesses – Featuring Jo Momma’s Kitchen
Immediately after the lockdown was announced, Jo Momma’s decided to deliver meals to seniors because they were the most vulnerable to COVID19. They mobilized volunteers and donations from generous individuals and businesses poured in.
Healing Chef
contact Christiane Marshall through email or Facebook
In it together or Getting through this
In this together and together getting through this By Christiane Marshall, Editor (Note: This article was written at the beginning of the lockdown.) Saying we’re all in this together is almost an understatement. This is global and it is local. And people truly are...
How to Make a Superfood Salad
How to Make a Superfood Salad Super Salad As I write this, we are in the midst of a pandemic. COVID19 has come to a town near you and you may be self or government mandated sheltered in place. Or you might be an essential worker or a front line medical...
Self care IS NOT SELFish
One of Cat’s specialties is empowering women. But I’m not going to say that a man can’t get something out of her timely message. ~Christiane Marshall, editor A Message from Cat Lang-Bigley – Put Your Mask on First! (Said every airline to every passenger) How to...
The stay at home blessings
Here’s a positive spin on shelter in place by our intern Kiteara Sinnett. She has written a very insightful piece on this universal pause we’re experiencing. Enjoy! ~Christiane Marshall, editor Blessing an outcome from the "stay at home" order The...
Suggestions from a former stay at home mom
Families are experiencing some new challenges during this quarantine. Here are some suggestions from a former stay at home mom Try to create a schedule. Children are comforted by a routine. If they are developmentally able to contribute to the creation of a routine,...
Historic Harmar Bridge
Historic Harmar Bridge Written by Christiane Marshall Harmar Bridge has a long history, and holds practical, sentimental and romantic value for many in this community. To the dismay of residents and shop owners in the Harmar neighborhood, the bridge will be closed...
Global/Local Let’s talk about the word “local,” shall we? Local means right here, right now. It means the people who are my neighbors, who live within a few minutes of me. It means the food that is grown here. It is about supporting local businesses and schools. But...
GoPacksIf you have children in Marietta City Schools, you likely know about the GoPacks program. In this issue, we give a brief overview, but we will be saying a lot more next month, and in April, we'll talk about the Top Chef Challenge sponsored by GoPacks! I spoke...
Try This First
Try This FirstAt Marietta and Beyond, we care about you and the children in Marietta and beyond. Often in conversations, I hear people expressing how difficult it is to find healthy options when out and about, and how it is challenging to make changes their doctors...
You Can Like Tofu, Honest
You Can Like Tofu, Honest Seasoned Tofu Don’t like tofu? Wait, it has no taste. That’s a good reason not to like it! I’m going to show you how to add flavor. Tofu has very little flavor on its own, so I am always surprised when restaurants don’t season...
Consider Rubi’s Salad Haus Valentine’s Day
Wondering where to take your vegan, gluten-sensitive, or keto dieting lover on an inspired date? I had trouble keeping my greens and berries from falling off the plate. My gorgeous, delicious and humungous salad spilled over when I wasn’t careful. The table was so...
Laken Clark joins Marietta and Beyond
Laken Clark joins Marietta and Beyond Marietta and Beyond (MAB) announces that Laken Clark, of Moments Photography, has joined the team as an advertising sales consultant for the magazine. “Laken’s entrepreneurial mindset and cheerful personality make...
Kiteara K. Sinnett, Marietta and Beyond’s new intern
Kiteara K. Sinnett joins Marietta and Beyond's staff as an intern Kiteara K. Sinnett has begun a writing internship with Marietta and Beyond. Kiteara is a senior at Williamstown High School in Williamstown, WV. She has a passion for writing. In her own words, she...
Try This First — A New Way to Think About Health
You’re invited to “Try This First” Want better health in 2020? Come to a series of free talks by local health practitioners who will present non-prescription health building tips you can use to build robust health in 2020. 1st and 3rd Saturdays starting January 18. A free lunch will be served at 12:30 for guests and presenters at each session before the presentation.
Please register so there will be enough food for everyone! At the First Presbyterian Church on 4th Street in Marietta. January 18 will feature Dr. David Norris speaking on how the food we eat may be related to inflammation in our bodies. Are there other topics you would lilke him to address? Message Marietta and Beyond with questions, for more information and to register.